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Twitter has announced a new tool that will allow users to embed not just single tweets, but an entire timeline of tweets on web pages. The tool will allow the embed of a single stream, not a collection of tweets, but it can be customized in a variety of ways.

The timeline, interestingly enough, is a streaming embed. Twitter’s own web interface doesn’t currently stream tweets.

Twitter explains the feature:

When you browse websites that have embedded a Twitter timeline, you can now interact with it in the same way you do on Expand Tweets to see photos, media, and more. Start a conversation from the Tweet box, follow users that you discover, and reply to, retweet, or favorite Tweets directly from the page.

It’s already being used by ESPN, London Fashion Week and writer Margaret Atwood, as well as Twitter itself on its official blog.

The embed code is a single line of HTML. The timelines are interactive with the ability to reply, RT and favorite tweets, as well as follow accounts and tweet directly. The expansion options of Twitter are in full effect here for photos and more.

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